Monday, September 30, 2019


❖ Virtualization:

Virtualization is a technique, which allows to share single physical instance of an application or resource among multiple organizations or tenants (customers).

It does so by assigning a logical name to a physical resource and providing a pointer to that physical resource when demanded [3]. Her we have three types of hardware virtualization:

1. Full Virtualization 
2. Emulation Virtualization 
3. Paravirtualization.

Creating a virtual machine over existing operating system and hardware is referred as Hardware Virtualization. Virtual Machines provide an environment that is logically separated from the underlying hardware.

 The machine on which the virtual machine is created is known as host machine and virtual machine is referred as a guest machine. This virtual machine is managed by a software or firmware, which is known as hypervisor.

There are two types of hypervisor:

• Type-1 hypervisor: 

Type-1 hypervisor does not have any host operating system because they are installed on a bare system. LynxSecure, RTS Hypervisor, Oracle VM, Sun xVM Server, VirtualLogic VLX are examples of Type 1 hypervisor.

• Type-2 hypervisor: 

Type 2 hypervisor is a software interface that emulates the devices with which a system normally interacts. Containers, KVM, Microsoft Hyper V, VMWare Fusion, Virtual Server 2005 R2, Windows Virtual PC and VMWare workstation 6.0 are examples of Type 2 hypervisor.

Network monitoring and port specification.

For a formal definition, we can say,

“ A port number is the logical address of each application or process that helps in identifying the sender and receiver processes of messages.”
Each port number is a 16-bit number ranging from 0 to 65535.

Well-known Port Numbers :- Port Numbers reserved for use by some popular application protocols.

But what exactly port number ?

IP address has been used to reach the destination computer. But now, how to identify the correct socket to reach the destined process? For this, the sockets are assigned special numbers called “Port Numbers” , which help to identify the exact sender and receiver processes (applications/ programs). So, along with IP address, port numbers are also provided and both of these work together to locate the destination computer and then the destined process.

From webopedia--- 

Port Number ---


1TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX)
5Remote Job Entry (RJE)
18Message Send Protocol (MSP)
20FTP -- Data
21FTP -- Control
22SSH Remote Login Protocol
25Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
42Host Name Server (Nameserv)
49Login Host Protocol (Login)
53Domain Name System (DNS)
69Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
70Gopher Services
103X.400 Standard
108SNA Gateway Access Server
115Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
118SQL Services
119Newsgroup (NNTP)
137NetBIOS Name Service
139NetBIOS Datagram Service
143Interim Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)
150NetBIOS Session Service
156SQL Server
179Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
190Gateway Access Control Protocol (GACP)
194Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
197Directory Location Service (DLS)
389Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
396Novell Netware over IP
444Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP)
458Apple QuickTime
546DHCP Client
547DHCP Server

For details about the port number , you may also read.

Internet protocol address and its way of communicating.

For details about IP address I will suggest you , to follow - (We have given you the pdf format of the chapter)

Fourth Edition
Behrouz A. Forouzan
DeAnza College
Sophia Chung Fega.

But let's have a quick look about IP address. 

You may also visit this web again.

Till now problem with IP address?

Boss Anisul Islam is here, click here to learn with the easiest way.

Now calculate your Ip address from #IP_CALCULATOR

Network models and protocols.

OSI model: 

The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual model created by the International Organization for Standardization which enables diverse communication systems to communicate using standard protocols.

 Lets discuss in structural mode of OSI:

To know more about please read the book , which we have provided you.

You may also check this : Details about OSI model.


All the concept in one package :) TCP/IP , TCP, UDP , Let's open the website.

Structure of different operating system.

Operating system:

According to Wikipedia "an operating system is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs."

Structure of OS:

Now here is the details of different types of Operating System , you should visit the website at least once.

Structure of windows:

 Structure of Ubuntu as an example of Linux: 


Now we are going to discover  the "File System Structure" of Linux and windows.

File system in windows :  Tree , use "tree" for find your file system in windows.



 File system in Linux: 

Now , read attentively the brief description of linux file system: 

  • / – this is known as “root”, the logical beginning of the Linux file system structure.
  • /bin – Pronounced “bin” (as opposed to “bine”), this is where most of your binary files are stored, typically for the Linux terminal commands and core utilities, such as cd (change directory), pwd (print working directory), mv (move), and so on.
  • /boot – This is where all the needed files for Linux to boot are kept.
  • /dev – This is where your physical devices are mounted, such as your hard drives, USB drives, optical drives, and so on.
  • /etc – Pronounced “et-see”, although some also prefer to spell it out, is where configuration files are stored. Configurations stored in /etc will typically affect all users on the system;
  • /home – This is where you’ll spend the overwhelming majority of your time, as this is where all of your personal files are kept. The Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Photos, and Videos folders are all stored under the /home/username directory.
  • /lib – This is where libraries are kept. You’ll notice that many times when installing Linux software packages, additional libraries are also automatically downloaded, and they almost always start with lib-something. These are basically the files needed for your programs on Linux to work.
  • /media – Another place where external devices such as optical drives and USB drives can be mounted. This varies between different Linux distros.
  • /mnt – This is basically a placeholder folder used for mounting other folders or drives.
  • /opt – Optional software for your system that is not already managed by your distro’s package manager. I don’t really ever find myself using this, your mileage may vary.
  • /proc – The “processes” folder where a lot of system information is represented as files (remember, everything is a file). It basically provides a way for the Linux kernel (the core of the operating system) to send and receive information from various processes running in the Linux environment.
  • /root – This is the equivalent to the /home folder specifically for the root user, also called the superuser. You really don’t want to touch anything in here unless you know what you’re doing.
  • /sbin – Similar to /bin, except that it’s dedicated to certain commands that can only be run by the root user, or the superuser.
  • /tmp – This is where temporary files are stored, and they are usually deleted upon shutdown, which saves you from having to manually delete them like is required in Windows.
  • /usr – Contains files and utilities that are shared between users.
  • /var – This is where variable data is kept, usually system logs but can also include other types of data as well.
All the credit goes to "".

Lets a pic for make a view linux and windows together.


Some Important file system you have to know: 
  • File Allocation Table (FAT) is a computer file system architecture and a family of industry-standard file systems utilizing it.
  • NTFS (New Technology File System) is a proprietary journaling file system developed by Microsoft. Starting with Windows NT 3.1, it is the default file system of the Windows NT family.
  •  A master boot record (MBR) is a special type of boot sector at the very beginning of partitioned computer mass storage devices like fixed disks or removable drives intended for use with IBM PC-compatible systems and beyond.
  • The GUID Partition Table (GPT) is a standard for the layout of partition tables of a physical computer storage device, such as a hard disk drive or solid-state drive, using universally unique identifiers, which are also known as globally unique identifiers (GUIDs).

Introduction to basic Networking and virtualization concept.

Dear participant ,
We are going to cover these topic on today's workshop.
  1. Structure of different operating system.
  2. Network models and protocols.
  3. Internet protocol address and its way of communicating.
  4. Network monitoring and port specification.
  5. Virtualization.
You will find these topic in different blog post in here (right side of the page), so please give attention to the posts for getting the topics.